We Are Here for You - Contact Us! - Complete Landsculpture

We Are Here for You – Contact Us!

These last weeks have been difficult for many people in the Dallas area. Many businesses and homes were destroyed by the storms. The recovery will take some time, but don’t worry and contact us to help.

We hope you and your families are safe and sound— and your yard weathered the storms. We are grateful the storms did not impact our business because that means we are available to help others during this time.

Depending on how hard your neighborhood was hit, the damage to your landscaping and trees will vary. Some may need to rake up leaves and pick up some branches, while others are having to call in construction crews for a full overhaul.

If life has been slowly coming back online for you, you may just now be getting around to assessing what needs to be done when it comes to your landscaping. In this post, we will help you set up a strategic plan to restore your landscape after the big storm.

1. Identify Potential Hazards

From the very beginning, the most important thing to assess is your safety. Storm damaged landscapes can be particularly dangerous, some containing hidden dangers.

Those hidden dangers might be trees that look stable but have taken on damage or power lines that have come down and are still hot — because of this, using professionals to recover your landscape can be an important investment.

Wait until the storm has passed, and you have good visibility to assess the damage. Look around your property and make notes of any existing hazards.

If you smell gas or see downed power lines call your utility company immediately. Note any potential hazards as well like large tree branches:

  • Split branches
  • Branches that look to be hanging and ready to fall
  • Broken branches hanging in the canopy or leaning light poles

Check to make sure that access to houses, businesses, cars, and entrances and exits to the property is not blocked. Contact us to help!

2. Inventory the Damage

You will, of course, will want to check your:

  • Roof
  • Siding
  • Cars
  • Other parts of your house

But let’s not forget about the things that make up your landscape design as well.

Outdoor Structures

Take a full walk-around of your outdoor structures. If you have the following, be sure they are sturdy, and what they are housing is protected. 

  • A detached garage
  • Shed
  • Pergola
  • Gazebo


A hole or leak can let in water that will rust or ruin tools, equipment, or other appliances. Cover any holes with a tarp. If that isn’t possible, move the items with which you are concerned to another area to prevent further damage— or even theft.


Lightning strikes or power surges can damage electronics- both indoor and outdoor. If you have digital timers for your irrigation, misting, or lighting systems, take a look at them to see if they are functioning properly.

Outdoor Living Areas

Be sure there is still electricity being fed to your outdoor kitchen or living room if you have one. Check your outdoor appliances.

And if you have heavy wind or fallen debris damage to outdoor living areas, you may want to cut the power to those areas until you are sure that the wiring is still intact.

Air-Conditioning Unit

Do you see any cosmetic damage to the unit? Is it working properly?


Walk your fence line. Especially if you have dogs or other animals that you are trying to keep safe. Make sure you do this before you give them the run of the land.

Patio Furniture

Look for damage to the infrastructure first to make sure that the furniture is still fit for use. If it is stable, and there is cosmetic damage, decide whether or not it is something you can live with, or if it needs a little touch-up, or if you want to take this opportunity to do a little remodeling.

3. Make a Priority List

What needs to be fixed or replaced immediately? What can wait? When does it need to be taken care of? Is there something you have wanted to renovate or remodel? This may be a great catalyst for doing it. Contact us to help!

4. Attend to the Hazards and Heavy Lifting First

Get professionals in to fell hazardous trees or cut up fallen trees. Do not underestimate trees. They are extremely heavy and can cause serious injury or death by:

  • Shifting
  • Jumping
  • Rolling

Find experts who understand how the weight of a tree will shift during cutting and who are experienced with chainsaws and other cutting devices used to cut and remove trees.

5. Stabilize and Rebalance Damaged Trees

If you are not an expert in this area, it would be a good idea to bring in a Certified Arboristto make sure there is not any structural damage that may not be immediately visible. You may also want to have unsightly trees removed at this time. Contact us to help!

6. Inspect Your Landscape for Drainage Issues

This step may be one that is best addressed by an expert because it requires technical know-how, but there are a few things that you can look at and address yourself.

Storms that produce torrential rain can cause soil erosion or other changes to site drainage. This is a great time to determine if your drainage solutions are working or not. The biggest question to answer is— did the water go where you wanted it to or not?

Other questions to ask:

  • Are there built up garden beds or other landscape features that have directed rainwater or runoff toward the foundation of the house?
  • Are there areas with standing water?
  • Do you need to have a French drain installed to draw groundwater and pooling surface water away from your home?
  • Are there sunken areas in your yard that need to be leveled or have plantings planted?

You will also be able to see not just where the water went but if it took dirt or mulch with it. If downpours washed away mulch from flowerbeds, they will need to be re-mulched or even need to be re-graded if the ground is no longer level.

If you notice you are having some erosion issues on inclines, you can install rock gardens. And plant fast-growing ground cover plants around trees and in areas around the landscape where the grass is patchy. Contact us to help!

7. Handle Standing Water on Your Property with Care

Flood water containing fecal material from overflowing sewage systems and agricultural and industrial waste can saturate the landscape.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) suggests you wear protective clothing and gloves and keep open cuts or sores that are exposed to floodwater as clean as possible by washing them with soap and applying an antibiotic ointment.

8. Attend to the Smaller Elements in Your Yard

Determine the plants need to be pruned, and the ones need to be removed and replaced. Inspect plants that have been damaged by wind.

  • Look for damaged stems and branches
  • Prune off the broken sections of stems and branches
  • Leave the leaves

Even if the leaves on your trees are shredded, leave them there. Your tree will need them for photosynthesis, which is required for the tree to grow back fully.

Different trees and plants have different recovery processes. If you are concerned about what to do, get an expert’s opinion.

Also, remember some of your trees and plants may not look all that great while they are recovering. If that’s not okay with you, you will want to consider replacing those that are not aesthetically pleasing. Contact us!

9. Contact us!

Recovering from a storm can take time. It can also take resources that you may not have at your immediate disposal. This is where a company like ours comes in. Complete Landsculpture consistently delivers the total package to our clients.

Started in 1985, we have grown into one of the largest, most recognized full-service landscape firms serving commercial and residential clients in Texas and Oklahoma, with select projects in neighboring states.

We offer expertise, experience, and professionalism, truly the Complete approach. For residential and commercial landscape and outdoor living environments, we can help you realize your vision and maintain a beautiful outdoor atmosphere.

We have built a team of fully insured certified professionals that consists of:

  • Designers
  • Consultants
  • Irrigators
  • Certified arborists
  • General contractors
  • Project managers
  • Installers and maintenance specialists

This means that no matter what the project, we can handle it. So, if you are looking to recover your landscape back to pre-storm beauty, take this opportunity to contact us today!

Contact Us

Our specialists are available year–round to keep your landscape beautiful and well-maintained. And if you are still in the dreaming stages, our designers and planners can help make your dreams a reality.

That way, come spring, you’ll be enjoying all the benefits of a beautifully landscaped yard- complete with water features!

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