Commercial Landscape: Benefits of a Maintenance Plan - Complete Landsculpture

Commercial Landscape: Benefits of a Maintenance Plan

When it comes to commercial properties, appearance is everything, which is why so many property owners and managers understand the importance of investing in good landscaping. However, if you are not doing one simple thing, you could be putting that investment in jeopardy.

Regular maintenance is the best way to protect your landscape and investment. A well-planned maintenance program can ensure that your commercial landscape retains its value for years to come.

In our more than three decades on the job, we’ve learned that proper landscape maintenance is tailored to each property’s specific needs and unique attributes.

Adding Value

If you want your landscape to add value to your property, it must be carefully managed. Here are the ways in which routine upkeep can add value to your commercial landscape.

1. Lasting Impression

No matter the industry, community, or service you’re offering, the way a property looks on the outside will significantly impact the public’s perception of that establishment. Regular upkeep can keep your landscape beautiful and project a sense of professionalism and quality.

2. Extra Security

Many people may not consider this factor, but a well-kept landscape can actually deter crime. Most of the time, criminals are seeking an easy opportunity, which is why they’re more likely to seek out properties that appear unattended or abandoned. Tall grass, untrimmed bushes, dead or dying flowers can give off this appearance.

3. Safer for Visitors

Apart from protecting your property from criminals, having regular upkeep done can also prevent accidents from occurring. Everything from the tall grass that attracts critters to fallen branches to debris or unlevel pavement poses a risk to visitors to your property. On the flip side, unkempt landscapes can also harm your physical property, like your building’s roof and exterior.

4. Save Money in the Long Run

In business, planning is key to saving money, and the same goes for your landscape. Proper landscape planning, like deciding where to place trees and shrubs, could help keep your AC and heating bills down. You can also save by avoiding significant repairs to your irrigation system or dealing with a tree disease, all of which can be caught early on when regularly maintained.

When Is It Time to Begin?

Now you have a better idea of some of the ways that committing to a commercial landscape maintenance plan can benefit your business, how can you know when it’s time to start?

It’s always best to get in touch and schedule a consultation, but if you’re the type of person who likes to go into new ventures with as much information as possible, here are some of the telltale signs that your commercial property needs a maintenance plan.

How to Tell if Your Commercial Landscape Needs a Maintenance Plan

Keep in mind that while many of the following issues may seem trivial, they can indicate a more significant underlying problem. Your landscape is like a machine, and all the smaller parts work together to make the whole thing work. Don’t ignore these issues, or you’ll end up with more stress than necessary.

Here Are Some of the Red Flags to Keep an Eye out For

  • Runoff: While it may just seem like a temporary or annoying issue, this is often a big red flag that something bigger is going on, like ineffective drainage. This can become a particularly expensive issue to address if left unchecked for too long as it can adversely affect your plants and flowers, irrigation system, and, most importantly, your buildings and structures.
  • Uneven Turf: Does your grass look weird? Are there brown patches throughout your landscape? Whatever the issue is, this could be a sign of pests or even that the wrong fertilizer is being used. If you want to keep your landscape looking its best, you’ll want an expert’s opinion.
  • Overgrown Trees: Most people think they should just leave trees alone, but the truth is they need the most attention. Regular monitoring and upkeep are essential to keeping your trees alive for many years. Plus, when they are too out of control, they can become a safety hazard. Branches could fall on your building, or worse, on pedestrians.
  • More Visitors: This isn’t necessarily an issue like the points above, but if your property is starting to see a spike in foot traffic and the number of visitors, it’s essential to implement an appropriate plan. This could incorporate ways to protect your turf, plants or even modifying your sprinkler system to water at different times.
  • Plants are Dying: Whether pests, weather, or poor care is to blame if you notice that your plants aren’t thriving and surviving, you must get an expert in as soon as possible. It could potentially protect your landscape from further devastation as you wait to have the issue uncovered.

These five red flags are not the only factors to consider, but they are a great place to start. If you can identify with any of the above, we would love to discuss a maintenance plan for your commercial landscape. Do you recognize any of the above issues on your own property? Let’s talk!

Get in Touch Today!

With over thirty-five years in the industry, Complete Landsculpture has proven dedication to exceeding client expectations with custom landscape projects & tailored maintenance programs. Our team will work closely with yours to ensure your needs are met, and your questions are answered.

Working with Complete Landsculpture means you have less to worry about! Let our experts take care of your commercial property – schedule a consultation today!

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