6 Commercial Landscape Trends We're Keeping an Eye on in 2019 - Complete Landsculpture

6 Commercial Landscape Trends We’re Keeping an Eye on in 2019

New seasons mean it’s time for new trends! Today, we want to take some time to give you a rundown of the top trends you’ll see popping up in commercial landscapes throughout 2019.

Your landscape establishes the tone and environment for:

  • Potential Clients
  • Employees
  • Future Tenants

You want to ensure it is both in line with the times as well as properly maintained.

Update Your Commercial Landscape in 2019

No matter what industry you’re in, a great landscape can be just what your property needs to revamp your brand and attract the right people. Looking for some ways to take your landscape to the next level this year? Read on for some inspiration!

1. Green Roofs

A lot of companies that don’t have much space to work with feel landscaping isn’t a priority, but the truth is you can make any space work.

In 2019, you’ll see more and more green roofs popping up; throw in the right hardscapes and some cool furniture, and you have an amazing communal space with lush features.

  • Putting Greens
  • Firepits
  • Fire Features
  • Cook Centers
  • Herb Gardens
  • Mobile Libraries

If retrofitting a roof that cannot take the weight, synthetic turf can be used effectively with rubberized flecks material. This is an easy application and maintenance free as well.

2. Asymmetry

As architectural trends shift and symmetrical designs are becoming more popular, asymmetrical landscapes are the way to go.

They have the appearance of being low maintenance but are less predictable and often, more exciting.

3. Privacy

Secluded spaces are a big theme this year. Clients are asking for more design around small, secluded areas that offer privacy for:

  • Reunions
  • Meetings
  • Someone to escape for a moment

Think Japanese gardens and natural hedges and throw in a water feature, you have the perfect private spot in your landscape!

4. Incorporating Metals

Using metals in your landscape can offer new dimensions to design. The following can create an interesting focal point on your commercial property:

  • Furniture
  • Arbors
  • Sculptures
  • Water features
  • Decorative art
  • Accessories metals like iron or steel

5. Outdoor Offices

Wellness is a buzz word nowadays, and every company is looking for ways to incorporate biophilic design into their workplace culture.

We recently wrote an article specifically about outdoor offices that you can check out here! The gist of the idea though is that this new space gives workers access to:

  • Fresh air
  • Serene surroundings
  • Increase creativity and productivity

6. Smart Irrigation

If you haven’t had an irrigation expert look over your property yet, you may be missing out on a great opportunity.

Smart and effective management of landscape irrigation is more crucial now than ever before. Lots of commercial properties are finally emphasizing smart irrigation and water use efficiency this year.

Let Us Help You

So, did you see any ideas you like for your commercial property? Whether you’re looking to follow the trends or craft something unique, the Complete Landsculpture team can help you!

Take a look through our portfolio, and then get in touch to schedule your consultation. We’ll send an expert over to assess your property and get a feel for what you’re looking for!

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