Keep Your Lawn Green With Winter Rye - Complete Landsculpture

Keep Your Lawn Green With Winter Rye

As the temperature continues dropping many homeowners around DFW and even neighboring southern states are worrying about patches of dead brown grass popping up around their properties throughout the coming weeks.

While many native grasses do turn brown and lay dormant during this time of year, we have just the solution—you can overseed with winter ryegrass.

Winter Rye Explained

This cover crop is commonly used to overseed lawns throughout the Southwest during winter. It’s known for hardiness that can withstand unfavorable temps and allows for late fall planting and fast growth in the following spring.

It can also suppress weeds and improve soil health over time. Continue reading as we break down just why winter rye is a good choice for your lawn.

To keep your grass green, we’ll seed a ryegrass over your usual warm-weather lawn. The ryegrass will germinate in less than a week and provide an instant green to your property making it valuable as a long-term or temporary solution!

Timing is Important

Timing is everything when it comes to efficient winter rye; the ideal climate is to have a variation of 20 degrees between day time temperatures and nighttime temperatures to stimulate growth.

This specific temperature allows for maximum root growth and various benefits, such as:

  • Fast germination and quick establishment
  • Provides a lush and fine-bladed lawn
  • Heat and drought tolerant
  • Can be a temporary lawn solution
  • Requires less maintenance (less water and mowing)
  • Durable and can withstand foot traffic
  • Adapts well to various soil types

Although it can work as a long-term solution, we like to use ryegrass in the winter only because in hot and humid places (like Texas) it’s common the winter rye will die as soon as the summer heat makes its appearance and warm-season grass turns green again.

Maximizing Benefits

To make the most out of this winter planting, we’ll:

  • Mow your dormant warm-season grass
  • Collect the clippings
  • Rake over the area
  • Score the soil’s surface

It’s best for the ryegrass seeds to make direct contact with moist soil soon after mowing. Winterizing your irrigation system at this time is also crucial so your warm-season grass can go dormant.

Once the cold season has ended, we will re-start your irrigation system on a strict schedule that will help begin the transition back to your warm weather grass, typically between April 15 and May 1.

Brown lawns are commonplace in winter, but we can help you keep that beautiful green year-round. With proper time and planning, you can ensure your landscape looks great month after month no matter the weather.

We’re Here to Help!

Whether you’re looking to tend to your residential or commercial property, we’re equipped to guide you! Not sure? Check out our portfolio to see some of our past work and why clients keep coming back to us for the last three decades.

Get in touch with us here, and we’ll transform your landscape by defining your tone and providing the value you deserve!

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