4 Common Irrigation System Misconceptions - Complete Landsculpture

4 Common Irrigation System Misconceptions

Summer in Texas is no joke! As we quickly approach the hottest part of the year, it’s important you know what’s what when it comes to your:

  • Landscape
  • Water
  • Irrigation systems

Your irrigation system has a big job to keep your entire landscape looking healthy and lush all summer long. In our more than 30 years in the business, we’ve seen one too many residential properties suffer because of misinformation.

Many homeowners are uninformed when it comes to best practices for maintaining landscapes as well as stuck on a few misconceptions. Today we’re going to debunk a few irrigation myths so you can make better decisions about your landscape.

Truthfully, there are many myths surrounding proper irrigation practices, but today we’ll focus on just four. Be sure to check out our blog in the future for more!

1. All Plants Need the Same Amount of Water

Nope! All plants, whether it’s a tree or your new rosebush, require varying amounts of water throughout the seasons. That’s why we recommend consulting our landscape experts who can craft the best plan for your yard.

Plus, you need a plan that takes into account changing weather patterns, rain, etc. Otherwise, your yard may not come out looking so great come the end of summer. Our team of experts will modify plans accordingly to ensure your yard is getting proper hydration.

2. Daily Watering Causes Roots to be Shallow

False—roots will grow anywhere there is enough soil and moisture to nourish them. If your landscape has shallow roots then the culprit is more likely to be compact or heavy clay soil.

3. Automatic Sprinklers Use More Water

Depends. Lawns have differing needs; so keep in mind that what works for your neighbor’s landscape may not work for yours.

Sometimes automatic water sprinklers may use more water than a garden hose, but they are more consistent and efficient. The consistency provided by automatic sprinklers will improve the overall health and longevity of your landscape.

4. Wilting Means It’s Time to Water

Wilting DOES signify that your leaves aren’t getting enough moisture, but that doesn’t mean the soil is dry, wilting is a sign that something has caused root damage.

Plant roots need a consistent supply of water: too little and the roots will die. Too much and the soil particles will fill with water, suffocating the roots.

Both issues can affect a plant’s ability to deliver water to stems and leaves, which leads to wilting. A landscape specialist can check soil moisture and develop an appropriate watering schedule and plan for your yard.

Contact Us Today

How many are you guilty of? Plenty of homeowners are guilty of all four, but we’re here to help! Landscapes are complex and require care and regular monitoring.

Schedule a consultation with our team of experts to discuss your landscape goals, and we’ll create the best plan to achieve it!

You can get in touch by filling out our online form here or by calling our Texas office at 214.358.5296 or the Oklahoma office at 405.789.3511.

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