Don’t Let Drought Stress Destroy Your Landscape This Summer - Complete Landsculpture

Don’t Let Drought Stress Destroy Your Landscape This Summer

For those of us in the landscape industry, we know that going into the Texas summer without a plan is not a good idea.

When you have a team of professionals, like the Arbor Experts at Complete Landsculpture, work on your property, you’re getting quality service, upkeep, and a pro landscape strategy that accounts for everything.

You may not be familiar with one common summer landscape issue—drought stress. Today, we’re going to go over what that means and how your landscape can suffer as a result.

Drought Stress Explained

It’s no surprise there are environmental stresses put on our lawns. There are two types we worry about during the summer:

  • Heat stress
  • Drought stress

Both are ugly and can undo years of work and planning in a matter of weeks.

It’s also possible your lawn could suffer from one, both, or no stress this summer and that’s why it’s important to be able to notice the signs of potential stress.

If your landscape is not adequately maintained, excessively dry soil can cause roots to die and ultimately affect your plants capacity to absorb water, even after sufficient water is available.

The process of replacing lost roots can have lasting effects that create a domino effect into the next year.

Drought affects plants in different ways, like:

  • Reducing growth
  • Marginal leaf scorch
  • Premature leaf drop
  • Wilting
  • Plant death

Additionally, plants affected by drought stress lose their ability to resist other threats like disease or insect infestation.

Short-Term and Long-Term Effects

As you can see, plants, especially trees, can experience short-term and long-term effects from drought conditions.

  • Short-term issues can be handled if caught early.
  • Long-term stressors may take over and be irreparable.

When you schedule a consultation with Complete Landsculpture, we can discuss your landscape, assess your existing property, and make a plan for any potential issues, or tailor a landscape to fit your goals.

Drought stress can manifest in many different ways depending on your particular location, landscape, and other factors. However, most Arborists agree symptoms are not always evident until after the damage has already occurred; which is why regular landscape maintenance and checkups are essential for preservation.

Watch out for these common warning signs for drought stress.

  • Drooping
  • Wilting
  • Curling
  • Yellowing
  • Premature leaf or needle drop
  • Splitting bark
  • Branch dieback
  • Exhibit poor growth
  • Thinning canopy
  • Appear “sickly”

Call Complete Landsculpture for Help This Summer!

Protect your landscape and the investment you’ve made into your property by calling the Arbor Experts! Being proactive is the best defense when it comes to your landscape, so if something looks off or you’re concerned about the weather, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

With the right amount of time, we may be able to get a handle on the situation before it gets out of control.

We want to make sure your landscape looks fabulous and is healthy year-round, but especially in the harsh heat of Texas summers. Don’t wait! Schedule your consultation with us today!

Additional Resources

Be sure to read our additional posts on irrigation.

4 Common Irrigation System Misconceptions

Summer in Texas is no joke! As we quickly approach the hottest part of the year, it’s important you know what’s what when it comes to your:

  • Landscape
  • Water
  • Irrigation systems

Your irrigation system has a big job to keep your entire landscape looking healthy and lush all summer long. In our more than 30 years in the business, we’ve seen one too many residential properties suffer because of misinformation.

Many homeowners are uninformed when it comes to best practices for maintaining landscapes as well as stuck on a few misconceptions. Today we’re going to debunk a few irrigation myths so you can make better decisions about your landscape.

Heat-Tolerant Plants for a Water Efficient Landscape

Whether you live in an area that hasn’t seen much rain or you’re looking to make some mindful updates to your home and landscape, there are plenty of options when it comes to efficient (and water-friendly) landscaping!

Switching to heat-tolerant plants on top of implementing smart irrigation techniques will help you save water AND money.

Hotter weather doesn’t mean your garden has to lose its color; consider adding some of these plants to maintain color and water efficiency even in the dog days of summer.

5 Reasons Your Landscape Needs an Irrigation Expert

The difference between a nice landscape and a great landscape has a lot of different aspects to consider. But one aspect we want to highlight today is the role of irrigation in your landscape.

Proper irrigation practices go way beyond watering your plants. In fact, it requires:

  • An expert plan
  • Regular maintenance
  • Frequent inspections

If you haven’t thought much about your landscape’s irrigation needs before, we’ll tell you why having an irrigation expert is key.

Spring is Coming! 5 Ways to Get Your Irrigation System Ready

As the warmer weather makes its appearance, we can all rejoice because spring is finally coming! Haven’t thought about your irrigation system?

There’s a lot that goes into getting it ready for the new season. Here’s a look at what all you can expect your irrigation expert to take care of come March.

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