Winter storm damage help 214-358-5296 - Complete Landsculpture

Winter storm damage help 214-358-5296


Winter storm damage help from the professionals at Complete Landsculpture

Over the last few days Texas has experienced some of the most extreme winter weather it has seen in the last 3 decades. As this weather has been brutal on all of us here in North Texas, it has also been very hard on some landscape plant materials. Unfortunately, some regularly used landscape materials do not fare well with these sort of extremes. Below are some plants that may be negatively affected or killed by this weather event:

* Palms with the exception of a few cold hardy species

* Sago palms

* Fig ivy

* Star Jasmine

* Gardenias

* Rosemary

* Cyclamen

* Oleanders

* Figs

* Texas Mountain Laurels

* Texas Sage

* Agaves

* Evergreen Wisteria

* Some varieties of Crape Myrtles

* Japanese and Wax Ligustrums

* Italian Cypress

* Pittosporum

* Loropetalum

* Loquats

– Additionally, there may be varieties of sod (St. Augustine, Bermuda, Zoysia) lawns that are significantly impacted.

– Plantings that are not fully established (i.e. planted within the last 12 months) or under stress, will be most vulnerable to damage.

– Brown or blackened leaves will be the first and most noticeable symptom of the freeze damage. However, injured foliage can be misleading. In some cases, the damaged leaves can make things appear worse than they really are. In other cases, leaves may seem to be alive and even new leaves may develop only to have the plant dieback from damage to the plant’s vascular or root systems.

– It is important at this point to leave your property irrigation system off. When our techs come around they will turn the system back on and check that there was no freeze damage. Although this weather should have provided enough moisture to hold the landscape with what it will need for awhile.

– Further, if you see any damage to trees on your property from the storm, please bring it to our attention. We can schedule one of our ISA Certified Arborists to visit your home. The risk for injury and property damage from broken or dead limbs is a necessary concern, and will need to be assessed and corrected as soon as possible.

– Once things start to bloom this spring, we will have a better sense of how much damage has occurred. In many instances of freeze damage, with judicious pruning, fertilization, and health management, many plants can be recovered.

As we get past this event and the snow and ice melts away, you will begin to see things on your property. Do not hesitate to call the professionals at Complete Landsculpture! We are here to assist you with all of your needs. Contact our office at 214-358-5296 or visit us at to schedule your consultation.

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